Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Palm Springs Update (after the fact)

I started this blog entry while in Palm Springs, but never got around to posting it. I'm a bad blogger!

Palm Springs is a really neat place. The down town is alive and thriving. So many people! The view from my hotel is amazing. Mountains and palm trees and in the morning I can see the wind farm in the distance.
Until Tuesday, I thought Palm Springs would be a wonderful place to live ... at least in the fall, winter and spring (temps in the summer can reach 127!). This is a picture taken outside a restaurant. The bougainvilleas was in full bloom. Walking to the downtown area from my hotel took about 15 minutes, but was along a very nice flower lined street. I often saw hummingbirds feeding as I walked. Alas, no good pictures of those flitty little birds.

Then, on Tuesday, a cold front moved through and I got a taste of the legendary Santa Anna winds. Three of us were walking back from dinner and it was relatively calm. Then, I hear this sound that is kind of hard to describe, but I knew it was the wind whipping up. I told the other two to brace themselves because the wind was coming. It hit with such force that one of the women with me was pushed out into the street. Here is a picture I took from my balcony on Wednesday after the cold front blew through. There is snow on the mountain that wasn't there the weekend before.

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