Thursday, April 19, 2007

Stop the glorification

While I have great sympathy for the loved ones and the survivors of the recent shootings in Virgina, I cannot help but wonder if all of the media attention is priming the next off-balance individual. We'll never know what pushed this person to do this horrible thing, if we did, I can only hope that we, as a society, would do everything we could to keep it from happening ever again.

I remember John Hinkley who shot then President Reagan in the hopes of getting the attention of Jodie Foster. I remember Mark David Chapman who shot John Lennon. And I wish I did not.

The Media, then and now, is bombarding all of us with constant images of the twisted individuals who do these things and their victims, while at the same time dissecting and rehashing over and over the event. Its enough to make me and other normal people cringe. I cannot help but wonder if it pushes some people who are near the edge over completely.

I just wish the media would stop for a moment and think of the survivors, think of the viewers and think, most of all, of the people they could be influencing with their glorification and exploitation of this incident.

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