Sunday, September 21, 2008

Another Fall

I was up early and spent some time meditating on the patio and followed that with some yoga. I reflected on how Spring and Fall are my favorite times of the year. There is something about the quality of light and how it dapples through the trees that really touches me. The air feels different and there is a different energy in the air. In the Fall, it seems as if everything is slowing down, powering down, getting into hibernate mode. In the Spring, the energy feels different in that it seems as if everything is waking up, stretching and powering up.

Colors become more vibrant in the Fall as leaves and grass turn. My yard that was all green and brown (tree trunks) becomes more yellow, gold, and russet. Winter takes the color away and we are left with a world that is varying shades of gray with a little sepia.

In the Spring, things begin to green again. The perennials I've planted over the years start to bloom and I always add annuals.

One constant between the two seasons is the hummingbirds that frequent my feeders. Little bundles of green life flitting and hovering.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Fall is here

Sitting in my office and I look out the window and see falling leaves and a hummingbird at the feeder. It's Fall. The days are getting shorter. The weather is very pleasant. And I wonder ... why am I in here instead of out there?