Monday, April 9, 2007

To keep or not to keep?

That's the question. For a number of years I've held the rights to the domain name But I've never developed it. I just really like the name. The name captures what I hope to accomplish in my life. Keeping things in harmony and using the strengths in others to become stronger myself.

It also reminds me of the importance of balance in one's life ... a lesson my first car taught me. I kept the car a long time and eventually had the engine rebuilt. It kept running roughly, the timing belt would slip and I could not figure out why. Finally, I crawled under a friend's car (of the same make/model) and noticed that his engine had a bolt mine did not have. Turns out the mechanic who had rebuilt my engine forgot to put in the harmonic balancing bolt. The harmonic balancing bolt is very important to the health of the engine as it balances the vibrations and keeps the timing belt where it should be. Once I installed a new bolt, the car purred like a well-petted kitten. Sometimes I feel like I'm missing my harmonic balancing bolt and need to ground myself.

It is time to renew my hold on the domain. My dilemma is do I keep it or not? Will I ever get around to developing a web page for it?

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