Thursday, August 23, 2007


Serendipity is my favorite word because it describes something that happens to me when I least expect it.

Recently I've been wanting a piece of blue lace agate but have not had the time to get by Crystal Works in Austin to see if they had some. So, now I'm in my second week in Tampa and I'm reading the newspaper. I notice an ad for a place called Peace Tree Trading (a Native American Art store) and I thought, hm, Christmas is not that far away and I might find something for my brother. I pull into the parking lot and what do you know? Right next door is this really neat rock shop - Wally's Natural Wonders! And Yes! they had some really nice affordable pieces of blue lace agate!


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Brothers Camp

This weekend my husband and I had the opportunity to spend some quality time with his brothers and sisters-in-law. We truly had a wonderful time. One sister-in-law made two games for us to play: a trivia game of family history and a variation of the old newlywed game. Both were fun and caused a lot of conversation. The trivia game stirred memories and laughs and some "I didn't know that"s. The newlywed game was really a challenge. Hm, do I answer this the way I think he will answer or do I choose the answer that is the kindest? Very challenging and we are still talking about it!

One sister-in-law had brought an old family photo of our husbands' great-grandmother. We were all amazed at how much she looks like my husband's youngest son.

One sister-in-law was not able to be there for the entire time because she was moving her daughter into the dorm. Our niece is a freshman so this is a big event in her life and that of her mother. This marks the starting point of her adult life. I'm glad they had the opportunity to spend some one-on-one time together at this transitional point in their lives.

My husband and I came away from the weekend refreshed and very much at peace. I am very thankful to have these people in my life and hope that this becomes a yearly event. We all want to do it again so here's hoping!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

There is something about 30 years

Wow! I just got an invitation to attend the 30 year reunion of my high school graduating class. Talk about a blast from the past! Unfortunately, I can't attend. But it did get me thinking about how in ways that seems like yesterday and in other ways it is so very long ago.

Its a strange sort of melancholy. I'm happy where I am now, but miss some of the people from that time. Knowing what I know now, I would have made different choices and a greater effort to keep in touch.

It's also interesting that this 30 year mark is hitting in more ways than one. I have pots and pans that I got as a wedding present 30 years ago (for the first marriage that didn't last 2 years). Recently, the handle on one of the pans started to crack and last night, it cut my finger. So I guess it's time to get new ones. But at the time, I thought "this shouldn't be breaking ... it's not that old" and then I thought about how old it was and was amazed that it was 30 years old.

Not long ago, I was at an antique shop and came across some dishes that I still use (again from that first marriage). They are in blue willow pattern and I use them every day. So I'm a little peeved to know that they are now considered antiques/collectibles and cost much more to replace than I paid for originally. So am I supposed to quit using them? I could, I guess. I guess I could purchase an expensive set to use every day ... but then in 30 years those would probably be considered antiques/collectibles. I can't win!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Summer Days

The fabled dog days of summer are upon us. The rain has moved on leaving the area with much needed full lakes. The down side is that is it humid. Walk outside mid day and one feels as if one has walked into a sauna. It makes you want to move very slowly and gives a reason to the tradition of siestas.

I sit in my cool office looking out the window on my front lawn. Blue sky broken by fluffly white clouds; sunlight dappling through the leaves; leaves and branches gently swaying in the breeze; the sight belies the heat ... it looks so inviting, but I know that once outside I would be reduced to a soggy, wet, limp, lump straining foot step by foot step to get back inside to the artificially cool and dry air in my house.

The cats know better than to even venture out. They curl on pillows and chairs or stretch on the rug in sleep. Cat napping!! now that's the way to spend the dog days of summer!