Saturday, August 30, 2008

Life is good

I haven't blogged in a while, but that means I've been busy with real life! LOL!

Life is good! Recently had 2 opportunities to socialize with 2 very different groups. One was my brothers and sisters in laws (not sure if that is the correct way to put it). We all met for "Brothers' Camp" ... 2 days of just sitting around talking, swimming and playing games. We were blessed this year by one of the SIL's who took the time to tell each of us the gifts that she feels God gave us. Very moving and touching.

The second came when out of the blue a lady that I worked with years ago called to see if I could play canasta. When we worked together we had a once a month canasta group, but once I left that job and started traveling, I had to leave. They needed a sub and I was in town. It was so great getting together with the group, catching up and remembering those who are no longer around. One lady had died, I knew that and attended her funeral 5 years ago. Another has developed Alzheimer's and is no longer able to play. I didn't know that. She was such a robust, a live woman, I hate to think of her decline.

Both occasions made me reflect on life and what is important. Not the flat screen TV and Wii, but the time my husband and I spent together shopping and looking and ultimately deciding. I enjoy the TV and the Wii, but I treasure the time he and I spent together.

Life is Good!