Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Long time no blogging

I just realized that it has been over a month since I last blogged. Time flies when one is doing manual labor in one's garden getting it ready for planting. I now have tomatoes plants, pepper plants, turnips sprouts, garlic and radishes pushing up through the dark earth demanding my attention. Water! Fertilizer! Pick this bug off me! and I gladly comply. As a reward, my tomato and pepper plants have already set fruit.

I came home last week to discover that my azalea bush was in full bloom. Eye popping pink blossoms! The day was gray, overcast and misty and the flowers had drops of water on their petals. Here is a closeup.

I'm still traveling a lot to Florida for work. Back and forth. Whatever the weather is like in Austin for the 2-3 days before I leave, that's what it's like in Tampa for the time I'm there. It's a little odd experiencing the same weather over ... dejavu

On Feb 14 in Tampa, I woke up with a little cough that by noon was an all consuming, bone cracking, eyeball popping cough. It laid me low for well over a week. Just a measly dry cough ... not even the flu! Aren't you glad I didn't blog about that?!!