Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Brothers Camp

This weekend my husband and I had the opportunity to spend some quality time with his brothers and sisters-in-law. We truly had a wonderful time. One sister-in-law made two games for us to play: a trivia game of family history and a variation of the old newlywed game. Both were fun and caused a lot of conversation. The trivia game stirred memories and laughs and some "I didn't know that"s. The newlywed game was really a challenge. Hm, do I answer this the way I think he will answer or do I choose the answer that is the kindest? Very challenging and we are still talking about it!

One sister-in-law had brought an old family photo of our husbands' great-grandmother. We were all amazed at how much she looks like my husband's youngest son.

One sister-in-law was not able to be there for the entire time because she was moving her daughter into the dorm. Our niece is a freshman so this is a big event in her life and that of her mother. This marks the starting point of her adult life. I'm glad they had the opportunity to spend some one-on-one time together at this transitional point in their lives.

My husband and I came away from the weekend refreshed and very much at peace. I am very thankful to have these people in my life and hope that this becomes a yearly event. We all want to do it again so here's hoping!

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