Friday, July 27, 2007

Resistance is futile

For years now, I've resisted becoming one of those people walking through airports seemingly talking to themselves (usually at a very loud volume) until you notice the thing in their ear. Yes, the blue tooth headset. Makes one look like a Borg wannabe. Not wanting that image, I've resisted, stubbornly hanging on to my wired ear piece that I've been holding together with duct tape (seriously).

Resisting that is ... until Monday. My cell phone has been becoming increasingly unreliable and had reached a point where it could be used for less than 30 minutes. Because I'm on the road so much, a working cell is a necessity.

On Monday it was off to the cell store to purchase the phone I'd researched and determined that I wanted. While there, my husband convinced me to go ahead and join the Borg. So now I have this very lightweight device hanging off of my ear. The model I chose had 33 different face plates so a little personalization was possible. Hm, I could even create my own insert ... I'll have to consider that.

My new phone is also lighter than my old phone. It has all of the same features, but is also GPS enabled and I got a navigation package to go with it. I justified the $10 a month for that because I travel to unfamiliar cities. I started to write "strange cities" but most aren't strange (except maybe Toledo) but they are unfamiliar so the GPS navigation package should help.

So, I guess resistance really was futile. I could put it off, but in the end, I was assimilated.

For those of you who have no idea what I'm refering to (Borg, assimilated, resistance is futile), I direct you to the wikipedia entry on Borg.

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