Monday, June 23, 2008

Various sayings

As I sit here at my desk, I see several quotes and affirmations that I've gathered over the years. I've taped them around on my desk where I can see them. Most of them don't have names attached and I have no idea of where I got them from. Such as
  • "The last step of any journey may be the first step of an even greater journey"
  • "All you can do is the best you can and hope everything turns out all right in the end"
Some, on the other hand do have that info or I remember such as:
  • "Do what you do so well that people seeing you do what you do will tell others they should see you do what you do" Walt Disney
  • "Years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the things you did do. So throw off the bow lines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain - I first saw this engraved in large letters in stone in the lobby of an organization at which I was applying for a job. I didn't get the job, but I really like the quote.
And lastly, there is this one. It never ceases to make me smile or even chuckle out loud. That may mean I'm twisted somehow, but ... at least I laugh! I clipped this out of a travel magazine. The article was on trips to Antarctica and was warning people about some of the dangers. I have often wondered if this was written truthfully or if it was a joke.
  • "Resist the urge to pet the cuddly penguins, which have no fear of humans and are given to unpredictable fits of horizontal projectile defecation."

I just love the mental picture of the seemingly formal penguin bending over as if it were bowing and suddenly "pa-ching"!

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