Friday, June 27, 2008

Chain emails - hate 'em

Chain emails, like chain letters before there was such a thing as email, always irk me a little and sometimes a lot. They always start out innocently enough with a prayer or good thoughts or encouragement to do a good dead. Then when you get to the bottom it's always "send this to 5 people before the end of the day"; or "send this to 10 people in the next 10 minutes." Then there's the thing that determines whether I'm irked a little or a lot. The ones that don't have this, then I'm only mildly peeved. It's always something forward this and "you will receive a blessing in the next 24 hours" or "you will your luck will get better" or, in the case of one I just received, "make 3 wishes, forward this to 10 people in the next 10 minutes and you will get your 3 wishes in the next 3 days". Yeah, right, sure I will. This is the part that I think is the most disturbing because it plays on a person's desire to be better, do better or get something for free. It preys upon those among us that are lonely, weak and vulnerable.

What I dislike most is the veiled message that a person is not worthy to be blessed or lucky or whatever unless they forward the email. The God that I believe in doesn't bless us based on whether or not we forward an email. We are blessed every day when we look at the blue sky and the green leaves on trees. We are blessed when we hear birds sing or smell the sweet scent of flowers. We are blessed because we live.

1 comment:

gg said...

Ugh. I don't even read them. Delete!