Saturday, November 1, 2008

Random thoughts on a beautiful Fall day

We took our annual October vacation a few weeks ago and I've been on the road since then. We visited the Olympic National Forest. An truly awesome place where one can feel what it might have been like 200 years ago. I want to go back. I will go back. I didn't post any pictures because there was no internet where we were. No phones in the rooms, no cell phone signal, no tv... just quiet and time to be alone with each other and our thoughts.

The election is a few days a way and I am so hopeful and fearful at the same time. America will be a very different place on November 5 ... well, actually January 20, 2009 (the end of an error and hopefully not the start of another error)

I fixed the bird feeder so that the squirrels could not get into it and boy are they pissed!!!

I planted tomatoes hoping for a Fall crop. The plants are healthy and blooming. But no tomatoes. I'm concerned that there are no pollinators (dead bee colony syndrome) and worry about what that would mean for all of the food sources across the world.

Found a bee in my kitchen and ever so gently captured it and released it on one of the tomato blooms.

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