Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ow ... I say again OW!!! surgery update

I had surgery on my hand on Friday. All went well. Doc said the trigger thumb was the tightest he's seen in a long time and the tumor on my index finger took almost an hour to "tweeze" out. Fortunately, the tumor had not infiltrated the bone, but he scrapped the bone for good measure. OUCH. It had gotten into the joint and the tendon, but he believes he got it all. Pathology report should be available today to confirm that it was just a Giant Cell tumor and nothing else.

Things that surprised me
  • the cast/splint that ran from my elbow past the tip of my index finger. This was to keep me from moving the finger AT ALL and trust me it worked. It weighed about 3.5 pounds
  • the incisions were not straight but in a zig zag - Doc said it was to increase blood flow and encourage faster healing and talked about some study done by, I don't know, John Hopkins or the Mayo clinic. So instead of a 1 inch incision on the trigger thumb, I've got 2 inches in a v shape and instead of a 3 incher on my index finger, I've got about 6 inches in a ww pattern.
  • it hurts - the trigger thumb doesn't, but the index finger does and not in a small way. This is the first day I've actually been able to even type with it. I accidentally banged it a few minutes ago and it took my breath away.
  • stitches will be in for over 2 weeks - guess this should not surprise me since the index finger was cut to the bone

What didn't surprise me - my dear husband is simply a wonderful care giver - brushing my hair and even learning to braid it. Doing the dishes and driving me places, reminding me to wear my sling and to prop my hand up. Encouraging me to take the pain pills before the pain gets really bad. I try to be super woman and he reminds me that I cannot in fact do everything!

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